Monday, April 29, 2013

More Exploring Nonfiction

Last week we brainstormed a list of nonfiction text features, and then went hunting for examples of them in books. Today we looked in some of our Scholastic News issues for those features. We cut them out and glued them in our Reader's Notebooks!

~ Mrs. Johnson :)

Monday News

This week:
Phy. Ed.

Math MCA test @ 9:55
Mrs. J gone P.M.- track meet

Phy. Ed.
Math MCA test @ 9:55

Mrs. J gone- track meet

Phy. Ed.
I'll be bringing in the track team for Prowler Pride! :)
Book orders due
LifeTouch pictures
Adit's last day!

* Please send in Games Galore and Bemidji field trip forms! :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Friday was a busy day! Check out a couple of pics! 
~ See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Johnson :)

Mrs. Delzer brought her golfers in for Prowler Pride!
Good job ladies! Thanks for coming!!
Our larvae are here! We are officially growing butterflies!! :)

We ended a very stressful week full of testing by playing 7-up on Friday afternoon!

Monday, April 22, 2013


In math we are learning about fractions. We played two games to practice. The Equivalent Fractions game, and Fraction Top-It. They are getting good at it! 
~Mrs. Johnson :)

Our CAP student, Bailee, had a REALLY tough time leaving one day! We love her too much! :)

Monday News

Happy Monday and Happy Earth Day! 
This time of year it seems like there is always tons going on. Check the important dates and events section for upcoming activities. Here is some news for this week:

* The blog has some updates. Check out the new background! Also, on the right you will see our brand new Twitter widget! I'm so, so excited about it!! Now, if you don't have Twitter, you can see our Twitter feed just by stopping by the blog! So amazing! :)

* We won't be having spelling words this week and most likely not next week either. We have been busy, busy getting ready for the MCA's. Testing is this week and next.

* We take our MCA Reading test TOMORROW and Wednesday at 12:50. Our MCA Math test is next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, at 9:55. Please do your best to make sure your child is at school those days. Also, please make sure they get a good night's rest and have breakfast! I would love if you could also please, talk with your child about the importance of this test, taking their time, and doing their absolute best work! I have been talking about it so much at school they are sick of hearing it from me!

* We are out of snacks again!! Help!! We only got a few boxes last time I asked not that long ago. Please consider sending in more, we are getting so close to the end of the year so I hope to not ask again!!

* Reminder: Please send back the permission slips for our field trip to Bemidji and Games Galore. The Science Center is $7 and Games Galore is $2. Let me know if you need a new slip!

~ Mrs. Johnson :)

Beginning Nonfiction

We began studying nonfiction in reading and writing workshop. We started by comparing the two using venn diagrams. Then we went on a nonfiction text feature hunt. In groups we looked through a variety of nonfiction texts and searched for as many different features as we could find!
We love reading and finding out real, true facts and information!
~ Mrs. Johnson :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013


We had an absolute blast snowshoeing out on the prairie! It was a gorgeous, sunny day! It was warmer that day then the days we've been having lately! We got quite the workout trudging through the snow! It was a lot of work strapping ourselves into those shoes, but totally worth it! We had so much fun with Mrs. Brouse's class and Kenny who was our snowshoeing guide!

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