Sunday, December 21, 2014

Basketball Prowler Pride

We've had both the boys and girls basketball teams visit our classroom for Prowler Pride! They are all such great role models for us! If you haven't been out to see them play yet, what are you waiting for?!

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Exciting News!

We have very exciting news! We won the cafe trophy on Friday!!! We won because we used inside voices, stayed seated, used our manners, picked up garbage, washed the tables, and were respectful. We get to have the trophy on our lunch table all week. We are SO excited about it and proud of ourselves! :)

Here is our video newsletter from Friday! We hope you had a wonderful weekend! :)

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Sunday, December 7, 2014

First Friday in December!

Here's our video newsletter for the first week of December. I hope you had a wonderful weekend! :)
I will be gone Monday and Tuesday for a technology conference. I can't wait to learn tons of things to bring back to our classroom! :)

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December News!

I can't believe it's December! Here are the notes and news for the month! Scroll all the way down to see our last video newsletter! 

This is our video newsletter from the Friday before Thanksgiving week. Sorry for the lateness, I hope you enjoy it anyway! I love the personality I see in these videos! We are working on bringing it out even more! :)

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