Check out the right side of the blog- I have added a section for upcoming dates and events. I'll be changing and updating it as the rest of the year progresses. I thought it would be nice to have there so you could check and see when things are happening at any time instead of waiting for a note to come home from me, OR go searching for your school calendar!
A couple things to take note of.....
* Book orders are due tomorrow!
* The boys hockey team will be here tomorrow for Prowler Pride!
* Conferences are on Monday from 4-8 and Thursday from 8-8. I can't wait to chat with you! :)
* Wednesday is pajama day at Challenger
* There is No School on Thursday and Friday- It is going to be a short, but busy week!
Happy Valentine's Day! Check back for pictures from our fun day soon!
~ Mrs. Johnson <3