Friday, November 1, 2013


On Wednesday afternoon we played Roll a Pumpkin with a partner. When we rolled our dice, it told us which part of the pumpkin to draw. The first person to get their entire pumpkin drawn, wins! 

Halloween morning we had the Cross Country come and talk to us for Prowler Pride.

Here are some pictures from our day! We had stations in the morning with the other 3rd grade classes. We played Halloween Bingo, had computer time, and danced to the Monster Mash! In the afternoon we watched Spooky Buddies. It was an awesome day! Thank you to everyone that sent in treats for the class! :)

A few of my favorite 4th graders came to visit me!

Movie time!

3rd Grade Teacher Superheroes!
Mrs. Delzer and I
Mrs. Schantz came to school to visit for Halloween and brought baby Chay! He was dressed in a super cuddly puppy costume! So adorable!

I hope everyone and a fun and safe Halloween!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs.Jonhson u r A W E S O M E
    Love Lydia see u tomorrow
